Friday, May 16, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of May 19, 2014

Due:  Water Rocket or Water Quality Web-quest
Lab:  Biological Water Analysis
Students will collect and analyze macro-invertebrates from the pond to determine the health of the water.

Students will be launching water rockets.  As individuals launch their rockets, the rest of the class will begin the study guide in preparation for the semester test.

Students will be launching water rockets.  As individuals launch their rockets, the rest of the class will continue to work on the study guide in preparation for the semester test.

Thursday:  Semester Test

Friday:  Students will complete any labs or other missing assignments.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of May 12, 2014

Monday:  Video/Report:  Alien Word - Insects
(3rd and 4th period will complete the outdoor lab "Arthropod Hunt.")

Tuesday:  During the first part of class students will be given instructions on how to construct a water rocket.  During the second part of class we will begin discussions of water use and water quality. (Water rockets are due next Monday.)

Wednesday:  Activity:  Poison Pump
Students will then research how certain chemicals can effect the quality of surface water.

Thursday:  Students will go to the nature center to collect macro-invertebrates.  This is a wet lab.  If students have boots or waders they are encouraged to bring them to class for this lab.

Friday:  Students will be in the lab conducting water quality tests on a sample of pond water.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of May 5, 2014

Monday:  Students will use a Geologic Time Scale to answer questions over Earth's history (MBC)

Tuesday:  Students will take notes while viewing a Power Point presentation over human evolution.

Wednesday:  Students will complete a chapter review over Chapter 12 (MBC).

Thursday:  Test:  Chapter 12
 After the test, students will be introduced to arthropods and learn how to use a dichotomous key to investigate the five classes of arthropods.

Friday:  Lab:  Arthropod Hunt

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of April 28, 2014

Monday:  Introduction to fossils.  Students will research five types of fossils and how they are formed.
Students will complete sketch of natural selection and work with a partner on the packet "Comparing Vertebrate Skeletons."

Tuesday:  Following a discussion of how scientists determine the age of fossils through relative and absolute dating, students will complete the PL221 math assignment "Radioactive Decay and Half-Life."

Wednesday:  Video/Report:  Bill Nye:  Greatest Discoveries in Evolution

Thursday:  Students will use a Geologic time scale to answer questions about the history of life on Earth. (include extinctions)

Friday:  Lab: outdoor plant diversity or indoor "Darwin's Finches"

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of April 21, 2014

Monday:  Students will be given a grade check for the 1st three weeks of the nine weeks.  (Any student who needs to complete the frog dissection should do so today after school, or Tuesday or Wednesday before school, after school, or during SSR. Frogs will be disposed of after that time.)
Students will revisit their study site in the nature center and make observations over changes since their last visit.

Tuesday:  Students will view a Hank Green video over evolution (MBC).  After a discussion of Darwin's theory of evolution, students will hear about the evolution of the speckled moth before and after the industrial revolution.  Students will be provided an outline of a butterfly.  They will need to color the butterfly to blend in to the classroom environment.

Homework:  Students will color an outline of a butterfly to bring to class tomorrow.  Students should NOT cut out the butterfly until they get to class.

Wednesday:  Activity:  Butterfly Hunt.
Students will investigate one animal for a variation that has allowed them to survive in their environment.  Students will then sketch the four steps of natural selection using their chosen animal (Textbook, page 442.)

Thursday:  Due:  Sketch of Natural Selection.
Biological evidence of evolution will be discussed.  Students will view and compare the embryological development of several vertebrates, included humans.  Students will then complete the packet "Comparing Vertebrates."

Friday:  Due:  "Comparing Vertebrates"
Students will take a mental field trip of Indiana during the Ordovician time period.  Students will then begin the lab "Fossil Find."

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of April 14, 2014

Monday:  Introduction to dissection:  Students will view a Power Point presentation over the rules and expectations of frog dissection.  Students who have not completed frog plates will continue to color.
(All frog plates must be completed before students begin frog dissection.)

Tuesday:  Lab:  Frog Dissection Day 1 - Students will identify external features of the frog and begin skinning the frog.

Wednesday:  Lab:  Frog Dissection Day 2 - Students will locate and identify 8 muscles.

Thursday:  Lab: Frog Dissection Day 3 - Students will locate and identify organs of the mouth and digestive system.

Friday:  Lab: Frog Dissection Day 4 - Students will locate and identify organs of the circulatory, respiratory, and urogenital systems. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Can You Name these Central Indiana Frogs?

Small to medium size frog/sticky toes

Large frog/ ridge down back

Medium frog/organized spots

Medium size frog/robbers mask

Small frog/X on back

Medium frog/unorganized spots

Small frog/Abundant in nature center

Largest IN frog/ridge around ear

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lesson Plan for the week of March 31, 2014

Students will need colored pencils each day this week as they work on frog plates.  All frog plates must be completed before students begin dissection on April 14th.

Monday:  Quiz over amphibians and the difference between frogs and toads.
After a review of the 10 frogs and toads of Indiana, students will use data to create a graph of frog calls.
(Students who have not completed Frog Plate II and III will do so during class and complete the graph as homework.)

Tuesday:  Practice quiz over IN frogs and toads by sight/sound.
Students will complete the vocabulary for Chapter 12. 
(Students who have not completed Frog Plate VII will do so during class and complete the vocabulary assignment as homework.)

Wednesday:  Students will take a mental tour of Indiana as it existed 400 million years ago. Following will be a class discussion of the formation of fossils.
Students will then continue to work on frog plates.

Thursday:  Video/Report:  What Darwin Never Knew

Friday:  Quiz:  IN frogs sight/sound
Lab:  Fossil Find

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of March 24, 2014

Students will need colored pencils each day this week as they work on frog plates.  All frog plates must be completed before dissection (beginning April 14th).  All frog plates must be completed during class.

Monday:  Video/Report: Toad Skin Spell

Tuesday:  Introduction to amphibians:  Students will take notes over characteristics of amphibians.  Students will then research the differences between frogs and toads.

Wednesday:  Students will take notes over the large and medium frogs of central Indiana.

Thursday:  Students will take notes over the small frogs and toads of central Indiana

Friday:  Students will use frog data to create a graph. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of March 17, 2014

Monday:  Lab:  Students learn the genetics and immunobiology of the ABO blood type system and use simple chemicals and logical reasoning to solve a murder mystery and to determine whether two babies were switched in the hospital. 

Tuesday:  Chapter 11 Review (MBC).   Study question paragraphs that have been proofread for content and grammar will be returned.  Students will use the corrections guide provided to make necessary changes to their paragraphs.

Wednesday:  Chapter 11 Review, (retake if necessary).  Students will sketch or trace a diagram to accompany the study question paragraph.

Thursday:  Due:  Study question paragraph and sketch.
Test:  Chapter 11.  

Friday:  DNA Lab

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of March 10. 2014

Monday:  Students will take notes during a discussion of DNA replication and protein production.  Students will then complete the DNA model they began on Wednesday of last week.

Tuesday:  Following a discussion of three types of mutations, students will research one disorder caused by a genetic abnormality and write a brief description.

Wednesday:  A guest speaker from Pioneer Hi-Bred will present information on the genetics of corn.

Thursday:  Lab:  Students learn the genetics and immunobiology of the ABO blood type system and use simple chemicals and logical reasoning to solve a murder mystery and to determine whether two babies were switched in the hospital.
Friday:  Video/Report:  The Greatest Discoveries in Genetics.
Following the video students will complete Frog Plate I and II.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lesson Plan for March 3, 2014

Monday:  Due: Paper Pet Offspring
Students will continue peer reviews of paragraphs turned in last week.  After students have completed two peer reviews, students will continue to color Frog Plate I or Frog Plate II & III.  (Students need colored pencils for class.  Required frog plates must be completed prior to dissection.  Frog plates must be colored during class time.)

Tuesday:  Students will complete a worksheet over incomplete dominance, codominance, and sex-linked traits .  Students will then share their information and check for accuracy.

Wednesday:  Students will watch a short video over DNA.  Following the video, students will create an origami model of DNA.

Thursday:  Study question paragraphs and peer reviews will be returned.  Students will use the suggestions provided to rewrite their paragraphs.  The second draft is due tomorrow.

Friday:  Due:  Second draft of the study question paragraph.
Microscope Lab:  Staining Specimens 
(Students may participate in labs only after all classroom work is completed.)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of February 24, 2014

Monday:  Due:  Study Question Paragraph
Lab:  How do Yeast Reproduce?

Tuesday: Quiz:  Chap. 11, Sec. 1 & 2 Vocabulary.
Students will calculate ratios based on Mendel's experiments.  Students will then determine the ratios for three traits of 8th grade students.  (This is a PL221 activity.  Students are not allowed to use calculators and must show all math steps to receive credit.) 

Wednesday: Retake vocabulary quiz (if necessary).
 Hank and his brother John will discuss the finer points of ear wax in a short video. Students will then determine inherited traits by using Punnett Squares.

Thursday:  Retake vocabulary quiz (if necessary).
Students will peer review paragraphs for two classmates.  (Students will receive points for completing peer reviews.)

Friday:  Students will create a paper pet offspring by crossing two paper pet parents.  Students will create Punnett Squares for each of the five inherited traits.
Paper Pet Offspring are due on Monday.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of February 18, 2014 - Revised

Tuesday:  Snow Day

Wednesday:  Students will be introduced to the following vocabulary terms:  genes, alleles, phenotype, and genotype.  Students will then begin creating a paper pet.  This project needs to be completed at home.  Students will need random craft materials (buttons, ribbons, yarn, glitter, sequins, etc.) to add to their pet.  Please do not purchase these materials.  If a student does not have access to any craft items, they should see me BEFORE the due date.  Paper Pets are due on Friday.

Thursday:  Students will be introduced to the vocabulary terms 'DNA' and 'nucleotides'.  Students will then be given the writing assignment "Science Study Question: Genetics".  Students will use their computers to take notes over the relationship between chromosomes, genes, nucleotides and DNA.  The first rough draft for this assignment is due on Monday.

Friday:  Two-hour delay
Due:  Paper Pet.
Students will color frog plates or work on the paragraph that is due on Monday.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of February 10, 2014

Following a review of the phases of meiosis, students will complete a cut/paste activity.
Students will then take the online practice test.  If time remains, students will continue coloring Frog Plate I. (All coloring plates must be completed in class.)
Homework:  Students will complete the vocabulary for Chapter 11.

Tuesday:  Video/Report:  March of the Penguins, part 2.

Wednesday:  Test:  Chapter 10
Students will complete Frog Plate I.

Thursday:  Due:  Chapter 11 Vocabulary
Introduction to Ch. 11 Genetics: How are traits passed from parent to offspring?  Students will be introduced to Gregor Mendel and his experimental methods and results.  Students will illustrate a chart showing Mendel's experiments and results.
'Hoppy' Valentines Day!!

Lab: Microscope Dry Mount
(All classwork must be completed before students may participate in labs.)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lesson Plan for February 3, 2014 - Revised

Monday:  Students will take a test over the parts of a microscope.
Lab:  Microscopic Optics
(All classwork must be completed before students may participate in labs.)

Tuesday:  Review:  "Meiosis Matching" worksheet.
Students will then visit the website "Learn.Genetics" (link on MBC) and explore the section on cloning.  Students will complete a MBC homework assignment where they will explain how scientists clone plants and animals, learn the history of cloning, and provide reasons for cloning.  Through interactive activities, students will clone a mouse and identify what is and what isn't cloning.

Wednesday:  Snow Day

Thursday:  Chapter 10 Review (MBC)

Friday:  Due:  "Cloning Website Visit" and "Chapter 10 Review." (Both on MBC)
Video/Report:  Eye of Nye:  Genetic Diversity

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of Jan. 27, 2014 - Revised

Monday:  Snow Day

Tuesday:  Snow Day

Wednesday:    Students will complete a review of mitosis (MBC). Students will then be introduced to the process of meiosis (Virtual Cell Animation Collection: Meiosis - MBC).  After students have read the online textbook, p. 363, and viewed a video comparing mitosis to meiosis (Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis - MBC), they will continue to color the "Mitosis" plate.

Thursday:  Students will be shown the phases of meiosis.  In a video segment, Hank will explain meiosis and the production of gamete, or sex cells (MBC). Students will then use manipulatives to demonstrate their understanding of the steps of meiosis.  
Homework:  Students will complete the review assignment "Steps of Meiosis" (MBC).

Friday:  Students will read Chapter 10, Sec. 1, p. 365.  Students will then watch a short video over selective breeding of peppers.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of January 20, 2014 - Revised

Monday:  Snow Day

Tuesday:  Snow Day

Wednesday:  (2 hour delay)
All students need to bring colored pencils, 8 to 12, to be kept in the science classroom during this nine weeks.
Students will review sexual and asexual reproduction. Following a discussion of haploid and diploid cells, students will watch a short video (MBC).
Homework:   Students will complete the worksheet "What you need to know before you can learn what you need to know." 

Thursday:  After reviewing the homework assignment, students will observe and describe the process of mitosis.  Hank Green will then explain mitosis and the production of somatic, or body, cells (MBC). 

Friday:  Students will begin coloring the Mitosis plate.  (All students need their own set of colored pencils for this nine weeks.  Coloring plates are not allowed to leave class.  All coloring must be completed during class time.)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of Jan. 13, 2014

Monday:  Video/Report:  March of the Penguins, part 1. 

Tuesday:  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Students will then complete the vocabulary for Chapter 10. 
After completing the vocabulary, students will read Chapter 10, pp. 357, 364-365, 369, & 376.

Wednesday:  Class discussion over the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction.  Students will investigate the reproductive strategies of two different organisms. Students will list advantages and disadvantages of both modes of reproduction.

Thursday:  Students will be introduced to the two types of cells:  haploid and diploid.  After watching a short video, students will create a venn-diagram to show similarities and differences between the two types of cells.

Friday:  Lab:  "Microwhat?" (All classwork must be completed before students may participate in labs.)

Saturday, January 4, 2014