Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lesson Plan for the Week of April 14, 2014

Monday:  Introduction to dissection:  Students will view a Power Point presentation over the rules and expectations of frog dissection.  Students who have not completed frog plates will continue to color.
(All frog plates must be completed before students begin frog dissection.)

Tuesday:  Lab:  Frog Dissection Day 1 - Students will identify external features of the frog and begin skinning the frog.

Wednesday:  Lab:  Frog Dissection Day 2 - Students will locate and identify 8 muscles.

Thursday:  Lab: Frog Dissection Day 3 - Students will locate and identify organs of the mouth and digestive system.

Friday:  Lab: Frog Dissection Day 4 - Students will locate and identify organs of the circulatory, respiratory, and urogenital systems. 

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